Welcome to
The King Charles Spaniel Club Website
Link to Schedule and online entry https://shows.cavalierimpressions.co.uk/show/1059/schedulehttps://shows.cavalierimpressions.co.uk/show/1059/schedule
The King Charles Spaniel Club was saddened to hear of the passing of Bill Moffat and would like to send sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Bill was Patron of the Club, and was well known for having a good sense of humour and also for his story telling abilities which always made people laugh.
He was loved and respected by many and will be very sadly missed.
As per Bills wishes there will be no funeral, but any donations in memory of Bill to go to Marie Curie.
Membership subscriptions are due on the 1st January
The King Charles Spaniel Bank Account is with Lloyds Bank
The King Charles Spaniel Club
Sort Code :30-98-97
Account number : 84181463
All members who have Standing Orders etc are invited to note this change and make arrangements accordingly.
The International bank Account Number is GB57 LOYD 3098 9784 1814 63 For anyone paying money to The KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB from abroad
Annual subscription………£10.00…single £15.00……..joint
Overseas membership… £20.00…single £25.00…….joint
At Our Show we made £440 on the Charlie head raffle for Ukraine.
Gifts given to winners at Our July Championship show
Hand made by the very talented Jeannie Coupland. Each one has the individual win listed inside.
One for ………
Dog CC, Res Dog CC, Best Puppy Dog, Best Veteran Dog,
Bitch CC, Res Bitch CC, Best Puppy Bitch and Best Veteran Bitch
at the King Charles Spaniel Championship Show to be held 30 July 2022.

The KCSC R&W provided the promised payment of £3000 to the KCCT ( Ukraine Appeal)
on Saturday, and also donated £2000 to the Czech KCS Klub to help fund immediate front line
support in that cause.” Picture of presentation of cheque to Olga Dolejšová, President of the Czeck KCS Klub
” Rescue and Welfare – Paper on Option of Charitable Status”
The paper below on the subject of whether the R&W should seek Charitable Statusis provided for pre AGM reading. It will be a subject on the AGM agenda.Those who attended the AGMs on 24 July 2021 will recall it being distributed that day with a rider that it would for discuss in 2022.” to be followed by the paper.
Links to the paper are below
We do have some spare year books for sale if anyone would like to have a copy £12 plus postage
The year book information and form is on the secretary’s notice board.
King Charles Spaniel Club Yearbooks from 1992 for sale
Your chance to own our own piece of history with past yearbooks of the King Charles Spaniel Club all in mint condition–the years being 1992,1993,1995,1996,1997,,2000, 2001-2003. these are all black & white print, A only £1 + postage or can be collected at shows etc just Contact Ron Stewart.